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Overton Index: discover policy documents, including those that cite your research

Overton Index is the world's largest, searchable policy database, indexing over 17+ million policy documents from around the world and making them full-text searchable. Through processing policy documents, Overton allows users to see where their research has been cited in policy as well as where policy has been cited by other policy documents. Additionally, Overton is useful as a grey literature database to discover policy documents to use in research and teaching.

By the end of this session, users will be familiar with Overton Index, the data available and the 3 main search modes within the platform.

This session will be led by Inesia Adolph, Overton Engagement and Training Manager. The workshop will be via Zoom: register to receive the link.

Thursday, January 30, 2025
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Inesia Adolph, Overton
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