Event box

Quantitative analysis and visualization of medical images using Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)

Quantitative analysis and visualization of medical images using Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)

The era of big data includes exciting developments within the area of quantitative medical image analysis.  In this 2-day workshop, we introduce participants to the open-source Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) and its R extension (ANTsR) (https://github.com/stnava/ANTs and https://github.com/stnava/ANTsR). While originally focused on diffeomorphic image registration, ANTs has grown to incorporate methods for segmentation, feature extraction and, more recently, full statistical, visualization, and machine learning  pipelines via ANTsR.  While the hands-on examples will be mostly drawn from neuroimaging data, additional topics will include pulmonary and cardiac applications.

Requirements: Participants should come with R, RStudio, ANTs, ANTsR, and ITK-SNAP installed on their laptop.

ANTs: https://github.com/stnava/ANTs

ANTsR: https://github.com/stnava/ANTsR

R: https://www.r-project.org/

RStudio: https://www.rstudio.com/

ITK-SNAP: www.itksnap.org


Dates & Times:
10:00AM - 3:00PM, Tuesday, May 16, 2017
10:00AM - 3:00PM, Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Health Sciences Library MILL (First Floor)
Nick Tustison, Radiology and Medical Imaging Department
Registration has closed. (This event has to be booked as part of a series)


May 16th

10-12pm – Session 1

12-1pm –Lunch on your own

1-3pm – Session 2


May 17th

10-12pm – Session 3

12-1pm –Lunch on your own

1-3pm – Session 4


Questions about the workshop:

Nick Tustison, D.SC.
University of Virginia School of Medicine

Department of Radioloogy and Medcial Imaging
